Computrols Unitary and VAV Controllers
What makes Computrols Unitary controllers unlike any other on the market?
The UNI-C is the direct replacement for most of our legacy VAV products. It is available in 3 configurations depending on your need for an actuator and/or pressure pickup. It communicates using Computrols BASnet protocol and is easily identifiable by the rotary dials used to set the address.
You have complete control over the I/O on this controller and can program it with any sequence of operation you like. You can also use any existing Unitary or VAV templates you may already have.
This product features a Belimo motor with a 5-year warranty, and the electronics, like all Computrols products, feature the industry’s only lifetime warranty.
Computrols Lifetime Warranty – Learn More!
Computrols VAV Controllers
Computrols VAV
Computrols Variable Air Volume (VAV) line provides both air flow control and measurement for a complete VAV solution. With an Application Specific design, setup and configuration are quickly accomplished with the free VAV Utility.
All models utilize the Opto communication protocol by default – BACnet and Siemens FLN versions are available as an option.
Lifetime Warranty
As with all Computrols products, Computrols offers a lifetime warranty on the electronics we manufacture. These controllers are designed and manufactured at Computrols corporate headquarters in Gretna, LA, enabling their team to assure the highest level of quality control.